I'm delighted to announce that my unpublished children's novel
Hinterland has now reached the shortlist of four for Macmillan's Write Now Prize! I couldn't be more pleased, especially since the shortlisting has come from the votes of independent booksellers, who each chose their top two from the longlist of eight. To have the validation of those who work in the trade and who know what children's reading tastes are makes the shortlisting all the more special. Now, of course, we shortlistees have to wait for the winner to be picked, chosen by Macmillan's publishing panel. So good luck to my fellow shortlisted writers Daniel Whelan, Martin Stewart and Clare Sandling!
Here's the opening of
Hinterland, along with
another Cornish location-shot.
Chapter 1
The old man stands outside a house on a busy street. It's an ordinary terraced house on an ordinary street, where people are revving up for the business of the day. Shortly there will be the surge of traffic as the school-run reaches its peak.
The old man gazes at the house: one of the upstairs windows is slightly open and he can hear raised voices drifting out.
The boy.
The girl.
The time is nearly right.
He turns away, smiling.