Monday 12 October 2009

fictionfire launches!

Well, I'm still working on my website but I just can't wait any longer to let you all know about it! I've been talking for years about setting up my own creative writing courses: I've built up a decade of experience in this field and have worked - and still will - for the University's Summer School programme and at Winchester at the Writers' Conference. But I've been feeling increasingly restive, wanting to run my own show my own way. So, fictionfire has been born!

I'm starting with a couple of day courses at Trinity College here in Oxford. The first, on the 21st November, is called Get that Novel Up and Running (self-explanatory, don't you think?) and the second, on the 28th, is Blindfold into the Maze: Plotting your Novel. I chose these as my starting subjects because so many writers struggle to find the nerve to make the transition from short fiction to tackling a novel - and then, when they do, they find managing plot a daunting prospect. I've presented these courses before so some of you out there reading may well have attended.

Full details of the courses, price and venue are on my website, so I do hope you'll take a look. It feels pretty damn good to use the words 'on my website' because for a technophobe like myself to have designed my own site is quite a triumph, believe me. The past few weeks have been a vertiginously steep learning curve - and tears of sheer bleedin' frustration have been shed along the way. I've also had a lot of fun too, selecting the photos and the overall look of fictionfire. I hope to learn more and make it look even better.

I'm still adding material to the site. I'll be offering editing/critique services imminently, and I'm also posting other material which I hope you'll find interesting. I'm a complete magpie when it comes to collecting snippets and quotes and anything we can share to inspire us as writers and keep us hanging on in there when the world of publishing is a cold and hostile place.

So, I hope to welcome you to fictionfire soon. Thaw out your imagination, fire up your faith, ignite your creativity (and other such conflagratory images)!


Denise said...

Good for you, the website looks great! I found your evening course incredibly useful and I hope the applicants come flooding in.
I've owned a website domain for nearly 3 years now and done precisely nothing with it, so you have my admiration!

Karen said...

I LOVE the image but annoyingly the link won't take me to the site :o(

I'm too far away to attend the courses, but I expect they'll be brilliant - do you have any plans to put them online at some point?

Sounds like lots of hard work, but then the best things usually are, and I can't wait to read all about it :o)

Good luck!

Lorna F said...

Denise - thanks so much for your comments.I'm glad you like the look of the website. I don't blame you for not doing anything with your domain - the past few weeks have left me drained and dazed! But a tad chuffed with myself too.:)

Karen - Aw, it's a shame you can't come to the courses - it would be really good to meet you. As for putting them online, well, I'd need to recover from this website-creation experience first! I don't know why blogger threw a wobbly with the website link, but I've sorted it out now and I'd love it if you'd take a look. x

Karen said...

Ooh it looks fab, Lorna, really inspiring stuff :o)

Lane Mathias said...

Well I've just had a lovely time wandering around fictionfire.

It's a lovely site. For starters, I love the clear and good sized font. No squinting required.

I also like the way you've divided the subject tabs. Very easy to navigate.

Love the 'what if'. And am a complete sucker too for quotes and resources so that's a good way to get people to return.

Also the tone of your editing service piece is spot on. The paragraph which starts My ethos will always be this sells it to me straight away as it makes me feel comfortable.

I'm sure your courses are going to be great.

Lane Mathias said...

Forgot to say, your photo is great too!

Lorna F said...

Karen - glad you got there in the end! And glad you like it. X

Lane - these are lovely comments and make all the tear-shedding and hair-tearing in the process of making the site worthwhile. I really enjoy putting up the 'quote of the week' - and that reminds me that I haven't done this week's yet! I'm so pleased you liked the tone of the editorial section and I hope others will too. I hope you'll keep returning as I post new material. x

Jean said...

Congrats, your website is fantastic. I particularly enjoyed the 'Writing Inspiration' section. I'll definitely be returning.

Lorna F said...

Jean - I'm delighted you like the site. I'll keep adding material to 'Writing Inspiration' - glad you enjoyed it. x

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

It is a wonderful site, Lorna. I read about it in Mslexia too so I am sure you'll get loads of students.

I agree with Lane, you seem to have got just the right balance. Great for cowards like me who are easily scared off.

Lost your email. I owe you a big apology. You see this is why you're a novelist and tutor and I'm not:)

Lorna F said...

Fia - I'm so pleased to hear your comments, especially that I've got the right balance and that you're finding encouragement in what's said on the site. I'll try to re-send my email to you!