If anybody out there has considered joining me on Saturday 21st for my first fictionfire creative writing course, Get that Novel Up and Running, you need to let me know today, or first thing Friday 20th at the absolute latest. Pop over to the fictionfire website if you need to know more. It'll be a day of fun and interaction - it'll be 'a blast' as one of my previous students described it. The great thing if you attend courses or workshops or conferences, as I'm sure many of you know, is that you're in a group. Writing can be so isolating - you can think you're the only one who's experienced troubles with technique, doubts about your ability, exhaustion of the imagination, frustration with the publishing system - but you're not. In a group, you share the burdens, you exchange ideas and information, you share a laugh - and quite often you come away with ideas that were born during group exercises or a fresh will to pursue the story you're working on. So, if you can, I'd love if you can join the party!
If you can't, my second course, on plot, is on Saturday 28th. Looking beyond that, I hope to run more courses in the spring. It would be really useful if you could comment, either here on the blog or by going over to fictionfire, where you can use the Contact Form or email me at info@fictionfire.co.uk to let me know what course-subjects would most interest you.
sounds fun!
Hope it went well!
Little Red Riding Hood - thanks for stopping by!
Lane - Yes, it went well, but I've been pretty shattered today! The room I was teaching in at Trinity was gorgeous - it's just a shame the weather outside was anything but. I'm hoping, after next week's course on plot, to run more courses in the spring, when people can get a better look at how lovely Oxford is.
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